A Zero Energy Storage (ZES) Unit was initiated at ‘Yungpang’ in Tuensang as a pilot to serve as an alternative storage facility for power deficit rural areas.

The key objectives were to:

• Train unemployed youths in the construction of the ZES for the sustainability of the program.
• Build capacity of the Marketing Committee and Producers Committee leaders on the storage and allocate responsibilities for the operation of the units.
• Strengthen existing village level marketing institutions.
• Involve women members in the Committee and decision process of the marketing goods.
• Developing a regular monitoring system for the operation and management of the ZES.
• Documentation and sharing of information for better analysis.

The Department of Science and Technology, Shillong were consulted to facilitate and transfer knowledge and skill to the community. The DPR for the construction of the ZES was also developed in consultation with them.

ECS as the implementing agency selected the site and land preparation, site leveling, and collection of locally available materials for construction of the ZES were carried out. The project targets Sangsangyu, Noksen and Noklak blocks of Tuensang District. The program was implemented in the participation of the Changsang Farmers Producers Organization.

Before the implementation of the nationwide lockdown in 2020, materials such as bricks and sand were already transported to the proposed project site. ECS raised the funds for the purchase of the site and other expenditures of leveling and building the retaining walls. NEIDA-Tata Trusts funded the purchase and transportation of materials to the project site. The construction of the ZES Unit was completed in early 2021 and is now currently functional.